Wellington College

Wednesday 12th February 2025, 9:30am – 3:00pm

£125 per person


Course Overview

There has been much discussion of character education in recent months and the Department for Education is showing a growing interest in bringing character education into mainstream schools. However, it is not always clear what is meant by Character Education and often less clear how schools might go about doing it. This course aims to provide clarity.

Topics covered

Part 1: What is character education?

  • Character, virtue, well-being, flourishing and the purpose of education (and how it has been hijacked by other concerns)
  • Character education and the curriculum
  • Schools of character: how school systems and structures can support growth in character
  • Teachers of character: enlarging our understanding of the profession
  • The caterpillar process: an approach to teaching character
  • 2 domains of character education: moral and performance virtues

Part 2: How can character education be taught?

  • Creating a curriculum in character and well-being
  • Using the National Curriculum to create opportunities for character development
  • Time to work with colleagues from similar curriculum areas to devise approaches to character education through the curriculum

Course Outcomes

  • Understand what character education is
  • Understand the links between Character Education and Wellbeing
  • Learn about Character Education as a philosophy for Education
  • Learn how Character Education can be taught both as a discrete subject and through the National Curriculum


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